Monday, October 13, 2008

Hypoglucemia Diet

Dietary Restrictions The Hypoglycemic Must Follow:

Alcohol (for the first month)
Sugar in any form
Soft drinks
Fruit juices
Dried fruits
Corn (limit popcorn to one cup)
Sugar/Sweetners; Dextrose, Maltose, Sucrose, Glucose, Honey, Corn Syrup, Rice Syrup, Cane Syrup, Fructose

No compromise is allowed with the diet for the carbohydrate intolerance syndrome. One must eat correctly or symptoms continue. The reward of well‑being is exhilarating when contrasted with the disabling symptoms of hypoglycemia. It is yours to control.


A summary made from the webside of Fibromyalgia Treatment Center:

The word
hypoglycemia simply means low blood sugar. It’s often used to suggest a disease but it is actually only one symptom of a syndrome with many complaints. This complex would be better defined by the term carbohydrate intolerance. It is expressed by the body’s inability to use certain carbohydrate loads effectively without adverse consequences.

Chronic symptoms are experienced even when the blood sugar is normal. They consist of fatigue, irritability, nervousness, depression, insomnia, flushing, impaired memory and concentration. Anxieties are common as are frontal or bitemporal headaches, dizziness and faintness. There is often blurring of vision, nasal congestion, ringing in the ears, numbness and tingling of the hands, feet or face and sometimes leg or foot cramps. Excessive gas, abdominal cramps, loose stools or diarrhea are frequent.

Acute symptoms are frightening and occur at highly variable glucose levels, but usually three or four hours after eating. The release of adrenaline, more than sufficient for correcting the fallen blood or brain sugar, induces these distressing twenty-to-thirty minute events. They include hand or internal shaking accompanied by sweating, especially with hunger. Heart irregularities or pounding and severe anxiety completes the picture. The more intense bouts are labeled panic attacks. Feeling faint is common and actual syncope may occur. Nocturnal attacks are often preceded by nightmares and cause severe sleep disturbance resulting in daytime somnolence.

Only a perfect diet will control hypoglycemia. It is not the food you add but what you remove that assures recovery. You must totally avoid sugar, corn syrup, honey, sucrose, glucose, dextrose or maltose. Heavy starches such as potatoes, rice and pasta are also forbidden. We allow one piece of fruit in a four hour period but no juice since they contain excess fructose. Certain carbohydrates such as sugar‑free bread are allowed but intake is limited to one slice three times per day. All carbohydrates are not created equal as can be seen by our list. You must follow the diet as written with no substitutions: for example puffed rice is allowed but not rice. Caffeine is not allowed since it prolongs the action of insulin. See Hypoglycemia Diet.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fibromyalgia - brief facts

  • A legitimate and common illness. Officially 3-4% of the population has Fibromyalgia. The hidden number is may be much bigger. This means that in Europe 33 216 000 (830,4 million x 4%) has FMS and in Sweden 372 thousand (9,3 million x 4%) has FMS.
  • A cyclic and progressive illness with multiple symptoms. These symptoms shows up more seldom in the beginning, but as time goes by they come more often and in the end a constant state.
  • The illness affects several of the bodies areas and systems.
  • It is now generally accepted as an inherited disease.
  • There are no diagnostic laboratory test.
  • Diagnose is commonly made by putting pressure on 11 of the 18 so called tender points along with at least 3 months of chronic pain in all four parts of the body.
  • Many people have symptoms that overlaps other diseases, like Hypoglycemia, which strikes about 30% of those with Fibromyalgia.
  • There is currently no cure for Fibromyalgia.
But, there is a treatment and that is the Guaifenesin Protocol.