Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fibromyalgia - brief facts

  • A legitimate and common illness. Officially 3-4% of the population has Fibromyalgia. The hidden number is may be much bigger. This means that in Europe 33 216 000 (830,4 million x 4%) has FMS and in Sweden 372 thousand (9,3 million x 4%) has FMS.
  • A cyclic and progressive illness with multiple symptoms. These symptoms shows up more seldom in the beginning, but as time goes by they come more often and in the end a constant state.
  • The illness affects several of the bodies areas and systems.
  • It is now generally accepted as an inherited disease.
  • There are no diagnostic laboratory test.
  • Diagnose is commonly made by putting pressure on 11 of the 18 so called tender points along with at least 3 months of chronic pain in all four parts of the body.
  • Many people have symptoms that overlaps other diseases, like Hypoglycemia, which strikes about 30% of those with Fibromyalgia.
  • There is currently no cure for Fibromyalgia.
But, there is a treatment and that is the Guaifenesin Protocol.