Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why Sudoku?

You know how hard it is to go training when your whole body is screaming NO? Now, we know any kind of activity is good for our body but it's really hard when everything you do hurts. So how do we get around that? Just do it anyway! But do it little by little, softly. There is just no way around that...

Same thing goes for brain activity. It's like the the hard disk/drive (mind/brain) just wont go to work... Any person can feel foggy once in a while but when this fogginess clouds your way of coping, your thinking abilities, it's not fun anymore. Is there, then, a way to ease that? Apart from the benefits of Guaifenesin that is. Yes, but there is a catch — training! Sorry but that's the way it is. Again, take small steps at a time. One very good training for the brain is actually sudoku. But any puzzle, music instrument or something that allows your brain to be activated is fantastic. Give it a try!

Another thing I love to do is to talk to people. But not just talking about the weather or usual, "ordinary" stuff. I engage in more profound discussions and I build pictures of what that person is saying. It is great and it is stimulating!

Again, small steps...