Tuesday, September 29, 2009

There is no shortcut

There is a jungle out there with information — also about fibromyalgia. However, many feels they don't get the right information or they simply resign to the (many times) poor information and support their regular doctor give them. So what to do?

There is no shortcut. You have to search for and read the information yourself and then decide what to do with that information. Perhaps I can offer some good (I think) links to look up? Look on the right hand sidebar under links or below in this blog. If you continue to read on this site I will add information piece by piece. Since I live in Sweden I also (for selected parts) add a Swedish translation.

How I retrieved my information and got to where I am today

We all (well, I should think most of us anyway) want to have good health and not to be bothered and burdened with a decease such as fibromyalgia. Though, as life is, we don't get to chose that, meaning our genetic setup. (Yes, fibromyalgia is inherited and more and more physicians recognize that.) So, we are here with all the circumstances that each of us have (which vary from person to person).

I am no different... I long acted on these circumstances, like if I got the flu I went to the doctor to get antibiotics; if I gained a kilo I didn't eat for a day or two... When you are young you don't worry so much about how you treat you body or that your body will be with you for a long time. You sort of get the quick fixes and then the problem is gone. And it works for a while. Until one day it doesn't anymore.

2004 was the year for me when it didn't work anymore. I just knew something was very wrong with me. I was constantly ill in some way. I hurt all the time. When I worked out at the gym (still was doing that as I had been since my teen-days) I all of a sudden couldn't do certain movements and I started to get this great pain afterwards, not the usual kind of muscle ache. It took until April 2006 before I got a lable on what was wrong with me — I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia — after a long period of disillusion and many test to role out other potential deceases.

Though, my new specialist doctor didn't inform me about any treatment — he said there simply was none. I got very sad. I wanted to get my old self back! I wanted to be healthy and fit! So I searched... and searched and searched up to a point that seemed hopeless. So I turned to a dear friend of mine, Rosalind Fritz, who is also my teacher and mentor in structural consulting. She directed me to a friend of hers who also had fibromyalgia. She, Gabriela Lerner, then wrote me an e-mail that turned my life around. This was in March 2007, 2,5 years ago. She began her e-mail like this: "Dear Eva, I'm a friend of Rosalind's and she has forwarded your message to me to ask if I would tell you about how I cope with my Fibromyalgia. So I'll start from the beginning, bear with me."

So, I did... I let it sunk in. This Guaifenesin treatment seemed oh so frightening to begin with. To think of all the things I had to give up... I really felt sorry for myself. So I looked at some other strings of information as well. All other so called treatments or, as we swedes sometimes call it — artificial breathing, were just pills pills and pills. Painkillers, Lyrica, opioids etc. I realized after a while of reading about those that this was just a band aid and that a pill would never get me my health back. So back to Guaifenesin treatment.

I started taking Guai August 2008 but since I was inexperienced I didn't order enough so I was out of Guai after three months... I restarted July 27 this year and it certainly has been a journey so far! I will write about my progress a bit later.

Now to some 1-2-3 steps and some useful links!
  1. Get diagnosed. Make sure all other, potentially more dangerous, deceases are excluded.
  2. Order and read the book "What your Doctor may NOT tell you about Fibromyalgia" (WYDMNTYAF).
  3. Read all the info on the official web side www.fibromyalgiatreatment.com.
  4. Do a body mapping, preferably before you start the treatment. You can get the instruction CD ordered, see link.
  5. Very important — Get rid of all topic products that contain salicylates!
  6. Determine if you have hypoglycemia (HG) or carbohydrate intolerance. If not, go to 8.
  7. If you do have HG/carb-intolerance you HAVE TO keep a strict diet! Look up Hypoglycemia link.
  8. Start with Guaifenesin. Do it exactly as Dr St Amand prescribe in the book WYDMNTYAF.


The official web side for Fibromyalgia Treatment Center and studies:
www.cleure.com (only fast acting)

To order Salicylate free products (these sites display the ingredient list):

Books, CDs, DVDs:

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